Google May Have Misjudged Nexus 4 Demand By As Much As 10 Times

The Nexus 4 has been pretty hard to come by and, if LG is to be believed, Google’s terribly inaccurate sales predictions are the biggest reason. According to Cathy Robin, head of mobile communications for LG France, demand has been 10 times higher than what Google expected. LG and Google have played a blame game of sorts but it’s hard to fault LG too much if Google did, in fact, give drastically lower sales estimates. Robin said the estimate was based on sales numbers for previous Nexus phones.

It’s easy to play Monday morning quarterback and point to things like price and an enhanced consumer awareness of Android as factors that differentiate the Nexus 4 from its predecessors, but to miss the mark by so much is almost unGoogle. This phone came off the heels of Samsung’s Galaxy S III‘s great success. In the minds of many consumers, this was the next big Android phone. It launched at about half the price of other top tier phones. Yeah, I think there’s going to be a bit of a demand. If the Nexus 4 doesn’t make it back to the Play Store, at least we have Qualcomm’s X phone to look forward to.

Source: CNET

» See more articles by Rudy Rivapalacio

Categorized as Android Manufacturers, Android News, Android Phones

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